Expatica news

Young lady hit by traffic lights in Albufeira

YOUNG LADY HIT BY TRAFFIC LIGHTS IN ALBUFEIRAA teenage girl was hit by traffic lights at a pedestrian crossing in Albufeira last night. A bystander filmed the incident (below), showing a group of youths, one man in particular, pushing the traffic lights over.

According to a source from the Faro CDOS (District Operations and Relief Commands), the 19-year-old victim was left with only minor injuries. She was promptly assisted on site by INEM and did not need to be transported to hospital.

The GNR is investigating who pushed the traffic lights over, as there is almost certainly criminal damage committed.

The content of the video may upset some readers. Please be assured, the young lady was not seriously injured during this incident.



Original article available in Portuguese at http://postal.pt/