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Storm Barbara puts 8 Portugal districts on red weather warning

STORM BARBARA PUTS 8 PORTUGAL DISTRICTS ON RED WEATHER WARNINGSince 12:00 today, the districts of Évora, Faro and Beja have been put under red warning by the IPMA (Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere), as well as those of Lisbon, Santarém, Setúbal , Castelo Branco and Portalegre, due to the forecast of sometimes heavy and persistent rain.

The eight districts are under red warning due to the forecast of rain that is sometimes heavy and persistent and occasionally accompanied by thunderstorms and the possibility of extreme wind events, effects of storm Barbara passing through. Over the next 24 hours, storm Bárbara will give rise to heavy precipitation, increased wind intensity with gusts up to 100 kilometers per hour and up to 130 kilometers per hour in the highlands and maritime unrest, especially on the south coast. 

Commander Paulo Santos of the National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC) spoke this morning, warning that he would “advise the population to avoid making journeys that are not absolutely necessary, this is because the roads will be very dangerous with sheets of water, so it is not recommended to pass because they may be hiding raised covers, holes or obstacles.”

According to the IPMA, the red notice for the eight districts will be in effect until at least18:00 this Tuesday, 21st October.