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Portugal announces their support for Ukrainian refugees

ORTUGAL ANNOUNCES THEIR SUPPORT FOR UKRAINIAN REFUGEESThe Government have today announced a temporary simplification of the refugee reception process, regarding the arrival of Ukrainian citizens to Portugal.

The ministers of the Presidency, Social Security and Internal Administration revealed that the country will guarantee support in terms of housing, work and education.

Portugal will receive Ukrainian citizens or family members of Ukrainians of other nationalities, and it is not necessary to present proof of being in danger to be accepted. Proof of identification may also be made by any means and its verification will be carried out by the Aliens and Borders Service (SEF).

The Minister of Internal Administration, Francisca Van Dunem, explained that the initial duration of the reception will be one year, which can be extended for two periods of six months, provided that conditions that prevent the return to Ukraine continue to exist.

Ana Mendes Godinho, Minister of Social Security, also explained that these refugees’ access to Social Security, NIF and SNS numbers will be automatic and says that this is a process similar to that adopted when the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, to host Afghan refugees.

In terms of employment, the IEFP has set up a task force dedicated to linking employment opportunities with the profiles of Ukrainian refugees, and a platform is now available where companies can enter vacancies.

Regarding accommodation, the Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, says that, as of this Tuesday, there is accommodation for 1,245 displaced persons.

This response, she added, was worked on by the Government together with municipal councils, civil society organisations, the IPSS and also with the Ukrainian community in Portugal “in order to respond to those fundamental needs such as accommodation, but also with a fundamental focus on the dimension of employment”.