Expatica news

Loulé Mines open doors for tourist visits for the first time since 2009

Following the departure of the “Allgarve” program, which ran in both 2008 and 2009, the Loulé Rock-Salt Mines have limited their visits exclusively to academics in recent years, opening their doors only to schools, universities and the Live Science Program which runs in the summer.

However, a large-scale project is currently in the works, involving the revitalization of this space for tourism purposes. The Loulé Rock-Salt Mines are expecting to open their doors to the general public as soon as this month, all interested parties will be able to spend 2 hours in the mine to discover the extraordinary world of the underground rock-salt caves. This location will be of interest to tourists and residents alike, as it will be the only Portuguese mine which is below sea level that can be visited by the public.

With its opening, all visitors will be able to uncover the history of the space, located 230 metres deep, and admire 230 million years old geological formations. For this purpose, an interpretation route about 1.3 km long has been created. With the help of expert guides, all visitors are invited to learn about the old and current mining processes as well.

In order to carry out this project Tech Salt S.A., concessionaire of the Loulé rock-salt mines, has partnered with the tour company Picturesque Journey.

All those who are interested are invited to visit the space, which entertains the curiosity of the inhabitants and visitors of the region. The mines will be open from October 7th, 2019.