Expatica news

Lagoa Council announces half a million euro investment in Praia da Marinha

Lagoa Council have announced that they will be improving conditions at Praia da Marinha, which is regarded as one of the most famous and popular Algarve beaches in the region.

The Council launched a public tender for renovation of access infrastructure to the beach at the end of last week.

The stated objectives are to improve existing conditions, increase the number of existing parking facilities, and also to monitor and discipline parking conditions, which is extremely chaotic in the high tourist season, with many naïve tourists and local drivers alike leaving their cars anywhere that’s available, which means that, at certain times it becomes almost impossible to get in and out of car parks.

To achieve this, the municipality of Lagoa has made more than half a million euros available (to be specific 511,726.28 euros).

Once the selection process to choose the company that will take the contract is concluded, and the contract with the company of choice is signed, the work is estimated to be completed within 180 days, leaving plenty of time for it to be finished by next year’s tourist season.