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Generous Santarém businessman arranges home for Algarve family

DR PHOTO - GENEROUS SANTARÉM BUSINESSMAN ARRANGES HOME FOR ALGARVE FAMILYA generous businessman has arranged a house in the center of Faro for a family with two children, who were living and took remote school lessons in a van.

Jorge Verríssimo, CEO and co-founder at ImporLux, announced yesterday on his Facebook profile that “the family will be housed in a T2 apartment, fully furnished for a minimum period of 12 months, already paid for by me”.

“The family of four currently lives on less than 400 euros a month, at least for now they will live under a roof with basic human conditions “, he said. The businessman stressed, in a final note, that he will personally visit the family, later in Faro, and that he will give an account of the situation.

The businessman, seeing the family in an RTP TV report on the unemployment rate and how in Faro, for example, it has tripled already in 2020, initially made an “appeal to friends in the Algarve area” via social media:

“I am looking for a house in the area of ??Faro to rent a year (I can pay the first year up front) minimum T2 and if you have any furniture so much better, preferably that you do not have walls lined with gold or silver. The idea is to take a family with two minor children on the street (van) who, due to difficulties, ended up in this situation.

I am not rich, nor do I want to appear, I was also born and raised in a modest family where luxury never paid off, but at least I had a room under a roof. With effort, seriousness, work and a lot of sacrifice, thank God, now life allows me to help anyone I think deserves to be helped. I don’t want to change the world alone (nor can I). Could I go on vacation with that money? Could! But so I lie down at night in my bed with an even bigger smile on my lips.

As you can imagine, this family needs several things, so to my almost 5000 Facebook friends, if they want to give any kind of help, Ana Sofia 928 044 667 is in direct contact.

Comments such as ‘the state that helps that is what I pay taxes for’ will be eliminated by me. If the State or any competent authority wanted, or could help, it had already done so. Regarding paying taxes … only with the ones I paid from my companies, in the last 6 years, I could have already bought an island in Brazil and a plane … so, either there is a desire to help or not.

Please share. We will help Ana Sofia, Jorge, Pamela and Cristiano to have a roof. Imporlux helping good causes”.

Jorge Verríssimo took the opportunity to thank his friend Ruben Santos for sharing his Faceboook post with the owner of the house they will be staying in and said that “all together we are stronger“.

Original article available in Portuguese at http://postal.pt/