Expatica news

Faro Crematorium finally to be built

CrematoriumThe building of the Algarve’s first crematorium is going ahead after Faro Council, Servilusa Agências Funerárias SA and FPC Construções Lda signed a contract last Friday, June 14th.

The cremation equipment, chapel and other facilities will be installed at the Cemitério Novo, Faro.

The desire to have a crematorium in Faro has been evident through successive Council administrations, and started in earnest back in 2001 when the first tender was published.

The winning company failed to meet the terms and conditions and the Council pulled the contract in 2016.

Next, the municipality opened a new tender but was taken to court over claims of unfairness.

The tendering process was relaunched in late 2018 and last week’s signing could represent an end to a history of delays, poor management and nobody seeming that bothered.

The contractor now has 70-days within which to submit the building project, followed by a period of 30-days for its approval and a period of ten months to start and finish the work.

Faro mayor, Rogério Bacalhau, said the contract to build a crematorium on his patch was good news for the entire Algarve region – despite the delay.

The €500,000 cost is being borne by Servilusa which will pay €1,700-a-month rent to the Council for the space the building occupies and a percentage of the cost of each cremation.

Cremation prices have also been stipulated: residents’ families pay €258 + IVA and non-residents’ families pay €309 + IVA. The crematioon of bones, dug up two to three years after a burial, will cost €180.