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Covid-19: Self-scheduling appointments for 12+ open today

Dr Photo - COVID-19: SELF-SCHEDULING APPOINTMENTS FOR 12+ OPEN TODAYSelf-scheduling of the Covid-19 vaccine for people between 12 and 15 years of age will be available exclusively between Thursday and Saturday, with the vaccinations of these young people starting on the weekend of 21st and 22nd August, and the weekend after.

By September 19th, the process should be completed, according to the calendar released this Wednesday by the `task-force` which coordinates the vaccination process against covid-19.

Young people over the age of 12 who apply on these dates, through the portal available at www.covid19.min-saude.pt , will be vaccinated on two weekends: August 21st and 22nd and August 28th and 29th.

According to `task-force`, those who receive the first dose on the first available weekend, return for the second dose on 11th and 12th September and the rest on the following weekend, on 18th and 19th September.

In the same announcement, the task force said that self-scheduling for users aged 18 years and over will become available again from 15th August. For this age group, the “Open House” mode has also been available since Tuesday, which does not require appointments, but requires obtaining an electronic ‘ticket’.
To register for a same day vaccine, the user can check the service is available at the local vaccination centre and then acquire a ‘digital ticket’ at https://covid19.min-saude.pt/senha-digital-casa-aberta/

On Tuesday, the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) recommended universal vaccination of children and young people between 12 and 15 years old, thus no longer limited to specific situations, such as cases where there are high-risk diseases.

Portugal already has 62% of the population with complete vaccination against Covid-19 and 71% with at least one dose administered, with those over 65 years of age almost fully vaccinated.

The most recent DGS vaccination report against Covid-19 counts 7,330,505 residents in Portugal (71%) with at least one dose of vaccine administered and 6,403,987 people (62%) with full vaccination.

Original article available in Portuguese at http://postal.pt/