Expatica news

Portuguese submarine caught in French trawler’s nets

A Portuguese submarine taking part in exercises off the British coast became caught up in the nets of a French trawler on Tuesday, maritime authorities said.

The submarine, “Tridente”, was taking part in a training exercise with Britain’s Royal Navy 55 kilometres (34 miles) off Lizard Point, southwest England.

It was below the surface when it became entangled in the nets of “Daytona”, a trawler registered in the northwestern French port of Saint-Brieuc, which was fishing in the area.

“The submarine immediately surfaced and made contact with the trawler,” French maritime authorities said in a statement.

They said the incident did not cause any injuries and no damage was caused to either the submarine or the trawler.

In 2004, five crew died when the French trawler Bugaled Breizh sank off Lizard Point.

The families of the victims claim the trawler was dragged underwater by a submarine involved in an international military exercise was taking place in the area at the time.

The case remains before the British courts.