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Kadhafi emissary en route for Portugal: EU source

A Libyan government emissary was en route Wednesday for Portugal for talks with the country’s foreign minister on the eve of key talks on Libya in Brussels, an EU source told AFP.

Asked to comment on reports that Moamer Kadhafi was sending emissaries to Europe ahead of a series of key diplomatic meetings in Brussels this week, the source said: “there is a plane going to Portugal with a moderate member” of the Kadhafi regime.

The emissary was planning to meet Portuguese Foreign Minister Luis Amado, the source added.

Amado on Thursday will be attending a gathering of the European Union’s 27 foreign ministers that was hastily called ahead of a crisis summit on Libya taking place in Brussels on Friday.

Heads of state and government are to seek a joint response to events in Libya at the Friday gathering while revamping their policy in general towards the Arab world.

The talks meanwhile take place as defence ministers from the 28-member NATO alliance also gather in Brussels to weigh options on Libya following calls for a no-fly zone to be enforced over the troubled oil-rich north African nation.