Expatica news

Election material arrives in G.Bissau ahead of poll

A Portuguese military plane on Thursday delivered 350,000 euro ($460,000) worth of elections material to Guinea Bissau ahead of an early election on March 18 after the death of the president.

The material was funded partially by the former colonial power and included ballot papers and material for voting booths, an AFP journalist noted.

Portuguese ambassador Antonio Ricoca Freri was on hand to receive the material.

Some 579,000 voters have registered for the presidential election which is being held after the death of president Malam Bacai Sanha in Paris in January.

Nine candidates are taking part, including former prime minister Carlos Gomes Junior from the ruling party and Kumba Yala of the opposition Party for Social Renewal.

Over the past 17 years, none of the presidents elected in Guinea-Bissau have been able to finish their five-year terms. All three of Bacai Sanha’s predecessors fell victims to coups or assassinations.