Expatica news

Visa corruption report archived – Minister called to parliament to explain

SEFThe Social Democratic Party (PSD) opposition wants to listen to what the Minister for Internal Affairs has to say about the archiving of an internal Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) audit report that outlined corruption in the ranks.

The recently appointed director of the SEF, Carlos Moreira, commissioned the internal audit, completed a month ago, which contained allegations of corruption and the illegal granting of visas without proof of legal entry into the country.

The PSD today requested a parliamentary hearing for the Minister of Internal Affairs, Eduardo Cabrita, to clarify the filing of the report and demanded that the audit be sent to the Committee on Constitutional Affairs for review.

The audit was conducted over a twelve month period by the SEF’s Inspection Office, which proposed disciplinary sanctions against of six SEF officials, including the former National Deputy Director of the service, Luís Gouveia.

“At the same time, an investigation by the General Inspectorate of Internal Administration (IGAI), of which nothing is known, has been opened,” said the PSD, considering that clarifications issued today by Cabrita’s office are insufficient.

An SEF inspector and an administrative officer were found to have taken money to grant visas but Eduardo Cabrita says he has “full confidence” in the handling of the matter, with his office stating that the minister has “full confidence in the National Directorate of the SEF in the exercise of its own competences, especially in disciplinary matters.”

The situation is causing concern within the SEF rank and file, but its management has stated that the service, “does not comment on the results of internal investigations or disciplinary proceedings.”

Luís Gouveia said he had all he had to say during the audit, claiming “this is an internal matter. For me the matter is closed and filed.”

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