Expatica news

Radio France newsroomstrike ends in failure

PARIS, Feb 13 (AFP) – Journalists at France’s state-owned radio network Radio France voted Friday to end their longest strike in 25 years after being granted minor concessions towards their demand to be paid as much as their television counterparts.

Most of the 600 journalists who had walked off the job on January 7 decided to back their unions’ recommendation to resume work at midnight (2300 GMT) Friday, finally restoring news bulletins that had been all but absent during their action.

The vote followed Radio France management’s agreement to boost their salaries by three percent and provide a EUR 400 (USD 500) bonus in March.

That fell far short however of the journalists’ central demand, which was to see their pay match that of their state television colleagues, who currently earn around 20 percent more.

The unions said they reserved the right to launch another strike if management reneged on the compromise deal.


                                                              Subject: France news