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Le Pen appeals Riviera election ban

MARSEILLE, France, Feb 20 (AFP) – France’s far-right political leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen, said Friday he has launched an appeal to try to overturn a decision barring him from running in regional elections on the French Riviera.

The challenge had been lodged with a high national court, the Council of State, Le Pen told journalists in Toulon.

It seeks to reverse a decision by the region’s prefect, who declared
Wednesday that Le Pen was ineligible to be on the ballot because he had been unable to provide tax records showing he had a home on the Riviera.

The leader of the far-right National Front party, who came a surprise second place in presidential elections against Jacques Chirac in 2002, has portrayed the rejection as political machination by the government.

France’s regional elections are to be held March 21 and 28.


                                                              Subject: France news