Expatica news

French business climate improves

PARIS, Jan 29 (AFP) – A composite indicator of French business confidence rose to 102 points in January from 101 in December, a monthly survey of industrialists carried out by the statistics office Insee showed Thursday.

The indicator reflects the level of positive business leader opinion on the overall output outlook, their own output outlook, past production, inventories and order books.

General output expectations rose to positive 14 from positive eight in December.

The indicator represents the balance in percentage points between those expecting an overall rise in output and those predicting a decline.

Economists had expected the composite indicator to come in at 102 and the general production outlook indicator at six.

Economists said the figures were further evidence that economic recovery was talking hold in France very slowly.

CCF economist Nicolas Claquin said that the indicator showed that recovery in France “remains slow and fragile, but as along as index keeps moving ahead, the economy is on track to improve.”


                                Subject: France news