CAIRO, Jan 22 (AFP) – A Franco-Swiss photographer has been found dead in her apartment here after having been stabbed and strangled by a visitor, police said Thursday.
The partly decomposed body of Veronique Auvergon, 42, was found when police broke down the door of her apartment in the Mohandeseen district after her colleagues had informed them she had not shown up at work for 10 days.
Auvergon, who specialized in commercial work, had settled in Cairo after marrying an Egyptian doctor around 10 years ago. She had been separated for the past three years and lived alone.
A friend said she was preparing to leave the country in a few months.
She appeared to have been strangled with the cable from her computer and to have been repeatedly stabbed with a sharp object.
Alcoholic drinks were found at the scene, suggesting Auvergon had been entertaining, but police said they so far have no suspects.
The woman’s parents, who are Swiss, have been informed by the Swiss consuluate here.
Subject: France news