Expatica news

France bio terror attack threat ‘limited’

PARIS, April 13 (AFP) – The threat of chemical or biological attacks is limited because the groups who may wish to carry them out lack the know-how or resources to do so, French Interior Minister Dominique de Villepin said Tuesday.

Such risks posed “limited threats given the capabilities of these groups”, he told Europe 1 radio.

But he added that, even if “we are confronted with a (chemical) threat that remains limited … we must be ready to cope with any eventuality”.

De Villepin also said that his services might pursue “new operations” against suspected Islmaic radicals in France similar to ones conducted on April 5 that led to the arrests of 15 people in the Paris suburbs. Six of those suspects remain in custody.

He did not provide further information about what operations might be underway.

                                                                 Subject: French news