Expatica news

Tom Cruise on diet, at Berlinhotel with ex-squeeze Cruz

7 April 2004

BERLIN – On a low-fat, low-calorie diet, Tom Cruise is on a location-scouting trip to Berlin for “Mission: Impossible 3” and is staying at the same hotel where Penelope Cruz is lodging – spawning reports Wednesday that they may have mended their relationship.

Wearing dark glasses and a knit cap, Cruise has waved to photographers during outings to the legendary Babelsberg Studios in suburban Potsdam, where “MI3” is scheduled to begin principal photograpy in mid-2005.

Cruz, 29, has meanwhile been spotted shopping at fashionable boutiques in Berlin.

Both are staying at the posh Four Seasons hotel on Gendarmen Markt square in the heart of the city, igniting reports that their on- again, off-again relationship might be on again.

Just last week a Cruise spokeswoman announced the couple had broken up.

“The city is buzzing with rumours that the Cruise-Cruz love affair may be on again,” reported Berliner Morgenpost newspaper Wednesday.

Shunning restaurant food, Cruise is on a strict low-fat, low-cal diet, the paper added.

Four Seasons chef Drew M. Deckman prepares tuna-mozzarella wraps with salads which he personally delivers to the star’s suite. Cruise washes it all down with “gallons of American-style unsweetened iced tea”, the paper said.

It added that he hopes to move into a 100-year-old mansion in Potsdam during the “MI3” shoot next year at the Potsdam-based Babelsberg Studios, where such German classics as “Metropolis” and “The Blue Angel” were filmed.

Cruise reportedly fell in love with the lakeside mansion, known as Villa Wunderkind, when he saw a write-up about it in a leading architectural magazine.

Built in 1904, the gleaming white Beaux-Arts mansion, sits amid park-like grounds on the shores of Heiliger See in an exclusive district of Potsdam populated by Germany’s rich and famous.

The current owner of the house, which once served as the British occupation military headquarters after World War II, is German fashion designer Wolfgang Joop.

Joop bought the sprawling, 4,700-square-metre property complete with lakeside terraces and a helicopter pad in 1998 and spent over 10 million dollars renovating it.

The couturier is said to be willing to lease the property to Cruise and Cruz since Joop spends most of his time, when he is in Berlin, at his penthouse on Monbijou Platz.



Subject: German news