Expatica news

Porsche boss: the darling of investors

18 December 2003

HAMBURG – Porsche sports car company chief executive Wendelin Wiedeking remained the favourite choice among German investors in terms of who they trust to boost a company’s share value, the business publication Manager Magazin reported.

In its issue to appear on newsstands on Friday, the magazine said a survey taken of 1,001 investors around Germany gave Wiedeking a 71 percent approval rating.

Right behind him was BMW chief executive Helmut Panke at 70 percent, with a third-place tie between Siemens boss Heinrich von Pierer and Volkswagen head Bernd Pischetsrieder, each at 65 percent.

DaimlerChrysler chairman Juergen Schrempp came next, with 61 percent of investors believing he can assure a sustained boost to the company’s share value, the magazine said.

For Wiedeking, it was the fourth time that he topped the magazine’s survey.

The report was provided to Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa a day ahead of publication.

Subject: German news