Expatica news

‘No to anti-Semitism’ campaign launched

26 January 2004

BERLIN – Israel’s embassy in Germany and the Jewish Agency are handing out “No to anti-Semitism” stickers to mark the anniversary of the Auschwitz concentration camp’s liberation, the embassy said Monday.

Christian and Jewish groups are distributing the stickers in cities throughout Germany, said a statement.

Amit Gilad, the spokesman for the Israeli embassy in Berlin, underlined that the stickers were not a response to particular problems with anti-Semitism in Germany.

“Thank God, we do not face special dangers here,” said Gilad, adding that the campaign was aimed at the worldwide increase of anti-Semitic activities over the past three years.

He said the Israeli government had chosen the Auschwitz liberation day to underline Israel’s battle against anti-Semitism.

Gilad said what was most alarming for Israel was the rise of Moslem anti-Semitism fuelled by anti-Semitic satellite TV stations which could easily be viewed in Europe.

Germany traditionally marks the anniversary of the 27 January 1945 liberation of Auschwitz by the Soviet Red Army with a moment of silence and speeches in the federal parliament.

Subject: German news