Expatica news

IAEA adopts Iran resolution

26 November 2003

VIENNA – The governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Wednesday adopted a resolution on Iran’s controversial nuclear programme, diplomats said.

The resolution referred to Iran’s past violations of the non- proliferation treaty, but praised Teheran’s recent moves to cooperate with the IAEA, the diplomats said.

The resolution says that in the event of future violations, the board of governors will meet in order to discuss action against the Iranians, the diplomats said.

Earlier in the week, the United States reached agreement with Britain, France and Germany on a United Nations resolution to warn Iran over its nuclear programme.

The compromise, reached after five days of talks, followed the adjournment of the IAEA meeting last week after Washington rejected an earlier draft, saying it was not firm enough.

The United States accuses Iran of secretly trying to develop nuclear weapons, a charge Iran denies.

Subject: German news