Expatica news

Hugh Grant, Brad Pitt for cannibal film?

4 February 2004

KASSEL – The convicted cannibal who was sentenced to prison in Germany last week for eating a gay lover has no knowledge of purported Hollywood offers to bring his life to the screen, his attorney said Wednesday.

Rumours surrounding the proposed film of Armin Meiwes have hit fever pitch, with Hugh Grant reportly being lined up to star in the adaptation of the convicted man’s memoirs.

According to London’s Daily Star, the romantic comedy star is strangely keen to play Meiwes, but is even keener to sign up Brad Pitt as his lover, Bernd Juergen Brandes.

“My client wants to make it clear that, so far at least, Mr. Grant has not approached him with any such film proposal,” said Meiwes attorney Harald Ermel.

Ermel acknowledged that Meiwes has received “quite a number” of offers from entrepreneurs purporting interest in Meiwes’ life story.

“We are sifting through them,” Ermel said, “but at this point I must stress that, along with legitimate offers, there are quite a lot of offers that can in no way be regarded as legitimate.”

The question that is yet to be answered is who will play the satanist who lived next door to Miewes. 

Subject: German news