Expatica news

Hannawald takes a World Cup break

7 January 2004

BISCHOFSHOFEN – Sven Hannawald of Germany will take a break from World Cup competition after a mediocre showing at the Four Hills Tour and not compete at the weekend in the Czech Republic, coach Wolfgang Steiert confirmed on Wednesday.

Hannawald, 29, managed no better than 12th at the Tour, with a poor 22nd place on Tuesday at the finale in Bischofshofen the low point. He will now attempt to regain his confidence during training in Germany.

Two years ago Hannawald gained fame with his historic Four Hills grand slam of victories. He also won Olympic team gold in 2002.

Steiert said that Martin Schmitt, Georg Spaeth and Maximilian Mechler will also sit out the two weekend events in Liberec and like Hannawald will return to World Cup action later in January in Zakopane, Poland.


Subject: German news