Expatica news

Fischer visits Russian enclave

11 February 2004

KALININGRAD – German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer was beginning an official trip to Russia Wednesday with a stopover in the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, his first visit to the region.

Sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania on the Baltic Coast, Russia’s westernmost territory has played a significant role in German history as a port and centre of academic excellence.

Its capital, Kaliningrad, served – as the former Koenigsburg – as capital of East Prussia before the territory was divided between Russia and Poland following the Second World War.

Fischer will on Thursday inaugurate the first German consul to Kaliningrad, Cornelius Sommer.

Fischer will also attend a ceremony to mark the 200th anniversary of the death of philosopher and Kaliningrad native Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), whose grave is one of the most popular sights for visitors to the city.

Fischer will continue to Moscow later Thursday, where he is scheduled to hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov.

Subject: German news