Expatica news

Film on sex slaves in Nazi-held Poland

17 February 2004

WARSAW – Two German film-makers have begun work on a Second World War -era documentary focused on Polish women forced into prostitution or sex slavery by the Nazis, the Polish PAP news agency reported.

Peter Gilbert Cotton and Thomas Gaevert of Germany’s ARD TV have requested Poland’s Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) war crimes authority to help in their search for witnesses.

According to IPN official Witold Kulesza, the Institute has records of women inmates in concentration and slave labour camps being forced into prostitution, but no leads about Polish women forced to work in brothels set up by the Nazis for soldiers and officers.

IPN officials have therefore called on witnesses to come forward with any information they may have, including personal testimony.

According to Kulesza the film is intended to examine the issue of WWII sex slavery, in the vein of recent documentary films chronicling the forced prostitution of Korean women by the Japanese military.



Subject: German news