Expatica news

Arrest me, I’m a bank robber

14 January 2004

HAMBURG – Two policemen in Hamburg made the easiest arrest of their career when a man turned himself over for bank robberies committed years earlier, the local newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt reported Wednesday.

The paper said the police were sitting in their patrol car at a stop light in the northern German city when suddenly a man tapped on their window to get their attention.

“I’m tired. I have robbed four banks and you still have not caught me,” the 33-year-old man from Liverpool, England, told the two cops. “I can’t go on any longer. I want to turn myself in.”

To this, the two policemen said, “well, of course”, the newspaper account said.

When the police checked the records, they found that the man, identified as Kevin M., was not joking. He told them about four unsolved bank robberies between October 2001 and February 2002.



Subject: German news