Expatica news

Sued for unsafe sex

23 May 2007

OSTEND – A man from Ostend is taking his ex-boyfriend to court for attempted murder because he failed to inform him that he was HIV-positive. The couple regularly had unsafe sex. The Flemish centre for sexual health Sensoa says this is the first case of its kind in Belgium.

An HIV test has indicated that the plaintiff, Jean-Michel (44), did not contract the virus during his two-year relationship with his partner from Namur. “A small miracle really, because we had unprotected sex repeatedly,” Jean-Michel says.

After two years together Jean-Michel’s boyfriend revealed that he had been infected for years. “I hadn’t known that at all. From time to time he had to go to hospital for a small problem with his kidneys. It turned out that he was being treated because he was HIV positive.”

Jean-Michel stopped the relationship immediately. Yesterday he officially started legal action. “What do I want to achieve with this? I want this man to be stopped. I don’t think I was his only victim.”

Sensoa is concerned that the case could lead to a witch-hunt against people who are HIV-positive.

[Copyright Expatica News 2007]

Subject: Belgian news