Expatica news

4,000 march ‘Together in Peace’

The message sent out march’s organisers was clear: “We say no to terror and violence and yes to peaceful coexistence and freedom.” Those taking part in the “Together for Peace” march included the Head of the Roman Catholic Church in Belgium, Archbishop Léonard and the leader of the Flemish Christian democrat party Wouter Beke.

The march got under way at Brussels South Railway Station at around 2pm. It made its way through Central Brussels passing by a number of places of worship from different denominations en route to the Poelaertplein in front of the Brussels Courthouse building. In addition to religious leaders representives of humanist organisations also joined the march.

According to the police around 3,500 people took part. The organisers say that this figure was higher.

Among the places of worship that were passed on the route of the march were the El-Jadid Mosque, the Orthodox Cathedral on the Stalingradlaan, the Our Lady of the Zavel Church and Brussels main Synagogue on the Regentschapstraat.


Flandersnews.be / Expatica