Expatica news

Debie backed by Vlaams Belang

Thursday 5 April 2007  
Former police commissioner Bart Debie, who was given a three-year prison sentence on Thursday for excessive police brutality and other activities, can count on the “full support” of Vlaams Belang, his political party.

“If we let him down, then we let all police-officers down who take for a tough approach to criminality”, declared Vlaams Belang front-man Filip Dewinter.

Dewinter confirmed that a tough approach did not always imply only using orthodox methods, stating that unorthodox methods are sometimes necessary when dealing with unscrupulous types.

“I would prefer the ‘Robocop’ type à la Bart Debie to the wimpish gendarmes,” he claimed.

Debie was not convicted of racism, a fact which Dewinter sees as important for his future political career.

[Copyright Expatica News 2007]

Subject: Belgian news