Expatica news

Average Belgian earns EUR 2,237 a month

4 November 2004

BRUSSELS – The average gross monthly salary for a full-time worker in Belgium is EUR 2,237, according to a study published in La Derniere Heure newspaper Thursday.

Not surprisingly, Brussels residents exceed the national average with a gross monthly salary of EUR 2,533, compared to EUR 2,188 for their Flemish counterparts.

Wallonians ranked at the bottom of the salary chain with an average EUR 2,102 monthly salary.

The study, conducted with the help of union organisations as well as the National Statistics Institute, examined average monthly salaries for workers age 35 and with 10 years of experience.

When it comes to comparing professions, a general practitioner grosses EUR 3,870, were university officials EUR 2,936 journalists EUR 2,974 and auxiliary fighter pilots EUR 2,579.40.

Salary rates also go up according to both level of education and age.

The study found that someone who has not gone on to further education grosses EUR 1,869 per month compared to EUR 3,543 for someone with a university-level education.

Concerning the age factor, workers age 20-24 were found to gross an average EUR 1,615 per month. This figure rises to EUR 2,362 for workers in the 40-44 category and EUR 2,932 for those age 55-59.

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject: Belgian news