Expatica news

Zaventem flight law passes first hurdle

6 April 2006

BRUSSELS — The Council of State has backed the legislative proposal from Transport Minister Renaat Landuyt aimed at confirming flight procedures at Zaventem Airport.

“The advice will be given to the government. There are still a number of amendments needed, but the advice is overwhelmingly positive,” Transport Ministry spokesman Jan Cornillie said.

But Cornillie refused to provide further details about the advice, which was agreed on by the council of state on Tuesday night.

The ministry is now investigating whether the advice can be discussed (possibly in writing) by federal Cabinet ministers during the Easter holiday period.

Once the text is amended, the legislation can then be lodged in Parliament, news agency Belga reported on Wednesday.

The legislation aims to give greater legal certainty to flight procedures at Zaventem. It imposes criteria — for example safety and capacity — which must be taken into account for every change to flight procedures.

The ministry hopes the legislation will put an end to the continued uncertainty around Zaventem, with the federal, Brussels and Flemish governments currently locked in a drawn-out battle over noise pollution regulations.

Minister Landuyt had requested the council of state of issue emergency advice following a recent ruling by the appeals court in Brussels.

In that ruling, the appeals court said flights from Zaventem should be equally spread around the airport — a decision which was contrary to earlier rulings.

The emergency advice from the council of state took longer than planned, due reportedly to division between the Francophone and Dutch-speaking members of the council.
The transport ministry has not yet decided whether it will appeal the Brussels appeals court ruling.

[Copyright Expatica News 2006]

Subject: Belgian news