Expatica news

White Dress White Pride?

1 February 2007

BRUSSELS — A couple in Sint-Niklaas refused to be married by a black municipality official, Wouter Van Bellingen.

Van Bellingen is the first black municipality official in Flanders. The couple had refused his services before he was even appointed to this position.

Mayor Freddy Willockx did not accept the couple’s refusal, shocked at their reaction. “This is a grave example of fundamental racism. We are not going to give in to that”, the Mayor of Sint-Niklaas told De Morgen.

If a couple refuses to be married by a particular municipality official, there are three ways out of the situation, Van Bellingen said. “Either they don’t get married, or they move to a different municipality, or change their mind and accept me”.

[Copyright Expatica News 2007]

Subject: Belgian news