Expatica news

Vlaams Belang a ‘threat’ to Belgium’s economy

19 November 2004

BRUSSELS – Flanders’ far right political party the Vlaams Belang is posing a direct threat to the Belgian economy, according to a survey published on Friday.

The study, published by L’Echo, shows that for the first time in 12 years, the morale of Flemish employers has dropped beneath that of their French-speaking counterparts.  

The main reason, claims the survey, has been the rise of the far right Vlaams Belang – until last week called the Vlaams Blok – as employers fear the political instability the party may cause.

“Investors are looking for maximum stability,” said Benoit Scheuer, the survey’s author.

“If Vlaams continue to progress then decision-makers may decide to relocate and invest outside of Flanders.”

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject: Belgian news