Expatica news

Violence at Brussels police protest

18 February 2004

BRUSSELS – Protests in Brussels by an estimated 18, 000 police officers turned violent on Wednesday when marchers smashed the windows of an onlooker’s car, a police spokesman has confirmed.

 Police Union spokesman Alain Ysebaert said a car had tried to force its way through the march and that officers had responded by smashing the vehicle’s windows.

He said the incident was regrettable.

The police are angry that a recent deal with the government to improve their pay and conditions has still not been put into place.

Ysebaert said Belgian Interior Minister is trying to “pick apart” the agreement, which would introduce more equality on pay and conditions between Belgium’s various police forces.

“We are not asking for a centime more, just that the agreement on the integrated police force is applied,” he added.

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Belgian news