Expatica news

Unemployment on the increase

5 October 2004

BRUSSELS – The number of unemployed people in Belgium has risen by 22,209 since September 2003, it was revealed on Tuesday.

The current jobless total now stands at 450,917, a figure which represents a rise of 5.2 percent this year.

The increase has been noted in all Belgian regions.

In Flanders, the number of jobless has risen by 9,343, or 5.9 percent, in Wallonia by 8,124, or four percent and in Brussels by 4,742, or 7.7 percent.

The national unemployment rate stands at 13.2 percent, which is 0.7 percent higher than 2003.

The rate of joblessness for men has remained constant at 11 percent while for women the figures have stabilised at 16.1 percent.

In Flanders, the regional unemployment rate is 8.8 percent, in Wallonia, 18.9 percent and in Brussels 21.9 percent.

By contrast the number of under 25 year olds without a job has fallen since September 2003, especially in Flanders.

The figures show that older people want to work more, with a 20,905 rise of over 50 year olds seeking work.

The number of people without a job for less than six months has gone up by 4,871 and the number of long-term unemployed has risen by 20,762 since last year.

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject: Belgian news