Expatica news

Two post sorting centres on strike

2 November 2007

BRUSSELS – The workers at two sorting centres of postal company De Post in Brussels are on strike at the moment.

Workers failed to start work on Thursday evening at the centre in in Schaarbeek. Some of the residents of Schaarbeek and Etterbeek may therefore not get any post delivered today.

The workers are dissatisfied with the automated sorting system and the communication from management at the centre.

About 20 workers went on strike spontaneously Friday morning at the centre in Koekelberg. They are not happy with the new sorting system.

That sorting centre distributes the post for Koekelberg, Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, Ganshoren and Sint-Agatha-Berchem. Some of the residents of these municipalities will most likely not receive post today either.

[Copyright Expatica News 2007]

Subject: Belgian news