Expatica news

Two Belgian generals for Lebanon mission

30 August 2006

BRUSSELS — Belgium will supply two army generals for the reinforced UN peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon, Defence Minister André Flahaut said on Wednesday.

Colonel Hubert Devos — who will be promoted to brigadier general for the Lebanon mission — will be posted to the main headquarters of the UNIFIL force in Beirut.

Major general Guido Andries will depart for New York, where a specific Lebanon wing has been established in the UN department for peacekeeping missions.

Despite initial doubts about security and the mandate for the UN mission, Belgium decided last week to send 310 soldiers to the UNIFIL peacekeeping force in coming weeks.

The number of Belgian troops will eventually increase to 394 and will include de-miners, medical and reconstruction teams.

All Belgian soldiers will operate in the one location, which will be decided in consultation with France.

A Belgian reconnaissance team will depart for Lebanon on Saturday.

[Copyright Expatica News 2006]

Subject: Belgian news