Expatica news

Tough new fines for anti-social behaviour

7 May 2004

BRUSSELS – Local authorities in Belgium are to get new powers to fine people for anti-social acts like vandalism and aggressive behaviour.

Under a new plan unveiled by the government on Friday, local authorities will be able to fine people up to EUR 250 for ‘minor incivilities’ like writing graffiti or behaving aggressively in public. 

The authorities will also be allowed to hire local officials to hand out on the spot fines for anti-social behaviour rather than relying systematically on the police.

The plan is designed to end the impression many Belgian’s apparently have that low grade anti-social behaviour often ends up going unpunished in the country.

It should also free up Belgium’s local courts for dealing with more serious offences, the government argues.

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject: Belgian news