Expatica news

Suspected right-wing link in death threats

29 July 2005

BRUSSELS — Sint-Niklaas Mayor Freddy Willockx has been under police protection for the past four weeks after being sent death threats in the mail.

Police said Willockx received a death threat shortly after he exchanged sharp words with the extreme-right Flemish Interest party during a meeting of the Sint-Niklaas Council four weeks ago.

“Because it was impossible to judge where the letter came from, we took the case very seriously. The mayor has since then been protected by our officers,” town police commissioner Jack van Peer said.
Another death threat was sent to the mayor in the weeks that followed. “With a bit of luck you will end up in a wheelchair, if you have bad luck then it will be coffin,” the letter said. Willockx also received three letters with pornographic photos.

Police decided against going public with the case until a colleague of Willockx opened up a letter containing white powder on Thursday, newspaper ‘De Standaard’ reported on Friday.

Alarm bells were immediately triggered, but tests later revealed the white powder was simply powder sugar and not anything dangerous.

Police commissioner Van Peer has refused to confirm a possible link between the death threats and Willockx’ argument with the Flemish Interest. “But it is the only clue at the moment,” he admitted.

The argument was sparked after the Flemish Interest claimed immigrant youths were guilty of recently vandalsing graves at the Tereken cemetery.

The party claimed police and politicians were trying to cover the fact up, but police inquiries actually revealed that native Belgian youth were the culprits.

Willockx subsequently demanded an apology from the Flemish Interest, but the party refused to yield ground. He then lodged a complaint with the anti-racism bureau CGKR.

[Copyright Expatica News 2005]

Subject: Belgian news