Expatica news

Socialists see red in language spat talks

21 January 2005

BRUSSELS – The largest French speaking political party in Belgium has threatened to walk out of talks on the future of a controversial city commune.

A parliamentary commission is scheduled to look into proposals to make Brussels-Hal-Vilvoorde a part of Flanders, denying French-speaking parties the right to stand for elections there.

Thierry Giet, leader of the French-speaking socialist party in the House of Deputies, said: “If the debate on the Flemish legal proposals is opened next Wednesday in the Parliament, for us it’s a casus belli, a breaking point. We will refuse to participate in the discussions. We could leave the room.”

Earlier in the week, members of all the political parties agreed to set up a working group to discuss possible solutions for the disputed commune.

Giet insisted the Parliament should leave the issue to that group, made up of regional and community representatives.

[Copyright Expatica 2005]

Subject: Belgian news