Expatica news

Shortage of pilots at Brussels Airlines

10 July 2007

BRUSSELS – Some 50 pilots and co-pilots have resigned from Brussels Airlines over the past six months, Le Soir reports.

In order to guarantee operation of its flights in September and October, Brussels Airlines has had to call temporarily on a number of former Sabena pilots. These 58 and 59-year-old pilots will be posted on long haul flights under an independent contract. Brussels Airlines will also be hiring in an aeroplane with pilots from another airline to cover the shortage of pilots on European flights.

The people who have left Brussels Airlines are primarily experienced pilots who were on the recruiting list for Air France or who have switched over to budget airlines because of better pay packages.

Brussels Airlines has launched a recruitment campaign and is considering revising its pay scale as well in response to the shortage.

“Belgian airlines cannot offer the same fiscal advantages as foreign companies. The Belgian government must take urgent measures to safeguard the competitive positive of Belgian airlines on the world labour market,” Geert Sciot of Brussels Airlines says in a reaction.

[Copyright Expatica News 2007]

Subject: Belgian news