Expatica news

She’s the boss

25 March 2004

BRUSSELS – One in three Belgian companies are now run by women, according to two of the country’s leading business organisations.

The proportion of female bosses in Belgium is now the highest for 20 years, said The Flemish centre for women-owned companies (Cezov) and the Flemish union of the middle classes (Unizo)at the presentation of their annual “Woman Award”.

In 1980, only a quarter of Belgium’s business leaders were women but by 2002, the last year for which complete figures are available, that proportion had risen to almost 30 percent, the two organisations said.

Most women bosses in Belgium work in the service sector, in posts such as hotel owners or architechts. Women are still under-represented at the top levels in heavy industry, agriculture and fishing.

The two organisations also found that the vast majority of Belgium’s women bosses work in Flanders.

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Belgian news