Expatica news

Road rage Antwerp: “Killing was probably unintentional”

The victim got into a fight with a group of youngsters, was beaten to the ground and then a car drove over him and reversed.

It is now thought that the driver drove over the victim by accident.

The incident happened on the Noorderlaan in Antwerp at 5am on Saturday. People in three cars were involved in the row. The victim was in the car whose occupants rowed with the people in the two other vehicles.The row led to a fight.

Paul Van Tigchelt of Antwerp public prosecutors: "We got a call. When the police arrived, the young man was lying on the ground. The victim had suffered several violent blows. The culprits drove over him when he was lying on the ground: once forward and then in reverse. Everything points to the driving over of the victim being unintentional."

Officers of Belgium’s federal and local police questioned those involved in the incident all day Saturday. The investigation continues. Nobody has yet been arrested, but suspects are still being tracked down.

[Flandersnews.be / Expatica]