Expatica news

Polish priests nabbed in Belgian car scam

31 March 2004

BRUSSELS – Six Polish priests have been accused of illegally selling cars imported from Belgium, France and Germany, according to press reports.

The priests apparently avoided paying tax on the imported cars by claiming the vehicles’ previous owners had offered them as gifts to help the churchmen carry out charity work.

But in fact the priests re-sold the vehicles once they had arrived in Poland and pocketed the proceeds.

“The accusation centres around 40 cars imported between 1994 and 1997,” Polish state prosecutor Krzysztof Piekos told Polish news agency PAP.

“The record goes to a priest in the village of Wola Dalsza, who imported 23 cars,” he added.

The priests and several of their secular accomplices risk up to eight years in prison if found guilty of the alleged crimes.

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Belgian news