Expatica news

Police to crack down on plague of absentee cops

18 January 2005

BRUSSELS – A crackdown has been launched on the high numbers of absentee police officers in Belgium.

On Tuesday, La Derniere Heure said an internal police memo revealed the average policeman was taking 20 sick days a year.

The authorities say the sick rate is much higher than other organisations and wants it cut by two percent – a move which would see “several hundred” more policeman on duty within two years.

A working group has been created to tackle the problem.

The measures it is likely to recommend are unclear at the moment, but are likely to include making police bosses more accountable for the problem.

From 1 February, the organisation is expected to make better use of police medicals to check whether officers are sick enough to be off work.

Officers returning to work after periods of sickness are also expected to be monitored better on their return and, if necessary, have their duties and hours adapted to reflect any changes in their state of health.

[Copyright Expatica 2005]

Subject: Belgian news