Expatica news

Police strike to threaten Ghent Festival?

Ghent police officers are protesting against cuts. Their action comes just over a week before the start of the Ghent Festival, Europe’s largest street festival.

Ghent police are supposed to make economies worth 2.2 million euros this year. Talks between the Mayor of Ghent and police representatives were announced, but then called off again. Police unions say that this is unacceptable and made clear their intention to strike.

Strike action during the Ghent Festival would have massive implications.

Police union spokesman Koen Anraedt: “It’s possible we will strike during the festival. We will await the outcome of talks. We hope the mayor will organise some talks soon. He should give us more information about the direction of the cuts. So far we have been kept in the dark.”

[Flandersnews.be / Expatica]