Expatica news

Party leaders meet with Verhofstadt on talk show.

12 February 2007

The presidents of the 4 major French-speaking parties – Elio Di Rupo (PS), Didier Reynders (MR), Joëlle Milquet (CDH) and Jean-Michel Javaux (Ecolo) – gathered on Sunday in the recording studio of talk show “Controverse” (controversy) in the company of Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt.

The 5 guests discussed the scale and scope of potential institutional reforms while Prime Minister Verhofsdadt insisted on a “three way” compromise between separatism and immobility, and building bridges between communities.

The 4 French-speaking leaders agreed on the necessity of dialogue with Flemish political parties and leaders. But Di Rupo of the Socialist party said that dialogue was often difficult and that even moderate Flemish politicians tend to engage in unacceptable discourse.

Reynders, the closest to the Prime minister, clearly stated that he agreed with Verhofstadt on the need to reinforce the federal state.

The 4 party presidents agreed on the ostentatiousness of constitutional reforms. Much can be done to improve employment and social security without touching the constitution, the 4 men agreed. 

But Milquet, suspicious of the MR, wants to “talk among French-speaking politicians” before discussing difficult issues with the Flemish.

[Copyright Expatica]

Subject: Belgian news