Expatica news

One in eight Belgian workers has bad back

9 June 2004

BRUSSELS – One out of every eight workers in Belgium suffers from regular back pain, it was reported on Wednesday.

According to a new study by a team of leading researchers from some of Belgium’s top universities, around 13 percent or one in eight members of the Belgian workforce suffers from back pain at least seven days every year.

One in six sufferers are in almost constant pain, the study found while around half suffer from intermittent back problems.

People with sedentary jobs, where they rarely change position are at particular risk, the survey found.

Workers in this category include office workers who spend many hours a day in front of computer screens, analysts say.

Back pain has is not just a serious health problem in Belgium, it is also taking a considerable economic toll on the country.

It is estimated that 15 to 20 percent of working days lost due to illness are linked to back problems.

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject: Belgian news