5 August 2008
BELGIUM – One in 10 Belgians that have retired, are taking up a new residence in Europe, the Americas, Africa or the Pacific, according to a report in the Francophone daily La Libre Belgique, based on statistics supplied by the Belgian pension department for 2007.
Most pensioners opt for a new life in the European Union, with France and Spain being the most popular destinations.
Belgians flee their country because of the bad weather and the lack of sunshine especially in winter.
The number of Belgians OAP’s living somewhere in the EU is more than 136,000.
The 172,000 pensioners living abroad are receiving almost EUR 1.5 billion in pensions each month.
Flemish pension higher than Wallonian pension
For the first time, the average legal pension in Flanders exceeds that in Wallonia, reveals pension report.
The gap is small – the average pension received in Flanders is EUR 1,071 per month as compared to EUR 1,069 in Wallonia.
In 2006, the average pension was EUR 1,029 in Flanders and EUR 1,032 in Wallonia.
The trend can be explained by higher wage levels in Flanders. Unemployment rates in Flanders have seen a significant drop, while unemployment rates in Wallonia have risen.
[flandersnews.be / Expatica]