Expatica news

No sex please we’re Belgian

12 October 2004

BRUSSELS – Belgians are no longer among the world’s hottest lovers, it was reported on Tuesday.

Whereas during 2003, Belgians had sex on average 136 times, this year that figure has plummeted to 105, only slightly above the world average of 103.

In the survey carried out by condom company Durex, French lovers lived up to their sexy stereotype – they were reported to make love 137 times a year on average, more than any other nationality.

Greeks and Hungarians also proved active lovers.

By contrast, the Japanese made love just 46 times a year.

Belgians interviewed in the survey said they had had an average of 6.1 sexual partners – fewer than the world average of 10.5 and more than a third lower than the average Chinese man or woman who has had 19.3 sexual partners.

However, fewer sexual partners may not mean Belgians are having safer sex than other nationalities.

Around a third of Belgians admitted to having had unprotected sex at least once.

Belgians are also following a global trend for people to start having sex younger.

The average age of the first sexual relationship is 17.2 years, compared to the world average of 17.7.

When asked about their preferred forms of contraception, Dutch-speaking Belgians opted for the pill (46.8 percent), but French speakers chose condoms (40.5 percent).

Both linguistic groups, though, shared the same ideas about the most exciting places to have sex, other than their own bedrooms.

Making love outdoors was the favourite, followed by in the car or in the parents’ bed.

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject: Belgian news